Welcome to the Division on People of Color and Crime

The Division on People of Color and Crime (DPCC) serves to bring together ALL people who are dedicated to addressing the concerns and issues of people of color in the study of crime, justice, and the crime-processing system.

The DPCC facilitates and encourages research and theory development about people of color and criminal justice, and promotes relevant and effective teaching techniques and practices for courses on race, ethnicity, crime, and justice.

The Division also recognizes the achievements of scholars (including students) who make outstanding contributions in research and activism/practitioner work on people of color and crime in the field of criminology or criminal justice through its annual awards program. To facilitate scholarly connections, networking, and mentoring, the DPCC provides featured panels; numerous presentations on race, ethnicity, and crime; an annual luncheon symposium; and a student mentoring workshop and social.


The DPCC provides Race and Justice: An International Journalto all members. The Journal focuses on the ways in which race/ethnicity intersects with justice systems across the globe.

The Race and Justice Scholar newsletter, provides a space for members to share news and other important events as they relate to the DPCC.

Joining the DPCC is simple!
A one year membership is $30. A one year student membership is $5. Click here to join. 


Awards & Honors

DPCC is currently accepting applications for the Helen Taylor Greene and Vernetta D. Young Graduate Fellowship for the Study of Race and Crime. The award is designed to recognize an exceptional graduate student in the field of race and crime. Please see the attachment for additional information. 

If you would like to donate in support of the fellowship, click here! 

View all of our awards here.